G. K. Chesterton once said, “Education is not a subject, nor does it deal in subjects. It is instead a transfer of a way of life.”
Indeed, education is a transfer of a way of life. Christian education shapes our sensibilities and directs our dispositions. It forms our character and cultivates virtue. It applies the Gospel to each student, forming and instructing the whole student to live as becomes a follower of Jesus Christ.
Each year Smith Preparatory Academy strives to provide an education that cultivates virtue and awakens our true humanity. Every class is taught with these aims in mind. Our students are encouraged to explore every subject seeking the beauty and delight that come from God’s world.
Throughout this school year we once again saw great success within our student body. Not only do our students continue to excel academically but through their humility and service our community has been made a better place.
As the Lower School students studied Botany, they took great satisfaction in planting and maintaining a garden. Our students took trips to museums to admire botanical art. They visited plant nurseries, explored Leu Gardens, and learned about edible plants. The students celebrated Smith Preparatory Academy House Games and participated in a Medieval Fair while studying history. We have taken field trips to St. Augustine and have joined the Upper School on their biennial Fossil Float.
The Upper School House System provided the older students with our annual North Carolina Leadership Camp, Back-to-School Retreat, House Games, Service Projects, and the Smith Preparatory Academy Banquet and Ball. Multiple students joined our 500th year Reformation Tour to France, Switzerland, and Germany. Our students have been busy engaging this world and serving one another.
We are grateful to all our families and students. They have worked hard, played hard, and we have seen tremendous growth. God has blessed Smith Preparatory Academy, and we continue to seek His blessing as we partner with parents to educate students who love God, love His world, and love one another.
Post Tenebras Lux,
(After Darkness, Light)
(After Darkness, Light)
Michael S. Phillips